Tanh Hoa

SOS Children’s Villages supports individual children, young people and families so that they can thrive (photo: SOS Children’s Villages Vietnam).

The city of Thanh Hoa is located in the North Central Coast region of Vietnam, some 140 km south of the capital city of Hanoi. The population of the city is estimated to be around 400,000. In the region, 60% of people live off agriculture and 15% work in the service sector, but due to its proximity to Hanoi and the good transportation network between the two cities, industry, construction and trade are growing sources of income and employment

Since 2005, SOS Children’s Villages has been supporting children, young people and families and advocating for their rights in Tanh Hoa.

Of the population are internal migrants

Internal migration

The North Central Coast region of Vietnam has a high poverty rate, and the GDP is about half the national average. People in rural areas face particular hardships: due to the poor infrastructure and social welfare measures often don't reach those in need. As a result; people move from rural to urban areas within the province, but also further afield to other provinces. Internal migrants represent more than 7% of the entire Vietnamese population. This large vulnerable population, especially the women and children among them, are at risk of exploitation. Registering with the authorities becomes a challenge for migrants. Without a registration, it is difficult to access basic services.

Complete upper secondary school

Out of school

Parents often find it hard to meet the basic needs of their children. Tens of thousands of children have lost parental care in Thanh Hoa province. These children depend on their relatives or the authorities for support. From early childhood on, they have to contribute towards earning their living. In rural areas, they usually take care of the animals, pick grass or look after their relatives' younger children. In the cities, they work in restaurants, polish shoes or sell newspapers. About 86% of children finish lower secondary and only 58% complete upper secondary school. Children with disabilities have an even more challenging time going to school.

Your support makes a difference for children in Tanh Hoa

SOS Children’s Villages works with local partners and communities to offer a wide range of support that is adapted to the local context. We always work in the best interest of the children, young people and families.
Children and young people
Learn at our kindergarten and school, and attend trainings
Children and young people
Grow up in our care
Young people
Are supported on their way to independence
Children grow up together and often form bonds that last a lifetime (photo: SOS Children’s Villages Vietnam).

How your support helps in Tanh Hoa

Strengthening families and communities
When parents face hardships, they can sometimes struggle to give children the care they need. SOS Children’s Villages works with local partners and communities. Each family needs different support so that they can stay together. This support can include workshops on parenting and children’s rights. We also run training so that parents can get the skills they need to get a job or start their own businesses. Likewise, we ensure that children can get medical help and go to school.
Providing quality education
SOS Children’s Villages ensures that children and young people have access to high-quality education. We help them learn and develop in a safe and supportive environment. We train teachers on children’s rights and child-centered learning, so that each child can get the most out of their education. Young children spend time playing and learning at kindergarten. This prepares them for primary school.
Caring for children who cannot live with their families
Some children cannot stay with their families, even with additional support. When this happens, they can find a new home in SOS Children’s Villages. Here the children can build safe and lasting relationships. All the children in our care have access to education and healthcare. Wherever possible, we work closely with the children’s family of origin. If children can return to live with their families, we help them adapt to this change.